I met Sara through her Etsy shop some years back. She has an amazing collection of red poppy ceramics, and when I requested one in blue, she made it for me straight away. Of course, I was hooked on her art from that point on!
She pays such attention to detail, and her art is full of whimsy, vibrancy, and spirituality. She likes to use different mediums for expression, and her passion is apparent in all of them!
What does Creativity mean to you?
Creativity for me is Connection, or better, Reconnection ...with our true essence.
How do you expand yourself creatively?
Doing things that I LOVE. Big things, little things, just having pleasure with life...all that connects to my heart expands my soul...and therefore my creativity!
Were you creative as a child? If so, how have you evolved through the years? Did anyone encourage you, especially?
Yes, so creative and lonely. I spent hours and hours drawing my own fairy tales, and in school I drew all over my books. When I grew up, I wanted to go to Fine Arts school, and it wasn't easy...nobody encouraged me, but I did it on my own, and it was great!
What inspires you most?
Nature, Mother Earth, people, the Universe...me.
Embody Your Muse - Sara Teixeira
What turns you on creatively?
Music, dance, art....walking on the beach, going to the forest…Being Alive!
Do you have any gratefulness practices?
I have a little altar, and I say Thank you all the time. Just thank you in every situation to me, to Mother Earth, to the Sun, to life...and at the sunset, from my window, watching the sunset on the ocean and absorbing all that golden light with my eyes open and feeling so alive is...pure magic and gratefulness.
Do you daydream often? If so, does it inform your work?
Yes, quite often! I have visions of future works or insights. Usually I see images appearing to me, or sensations, colors; and when I paint they came alive.
How does a relationship and/or children affect your creativity?
I really need my solo times, that is the way I prefer working...but the ground that supports me as an All creative spirit, is my family. It is sometimes difficult for me to be present when I have powerful insights, but I begin to know myself and I don't stress...if I'm totally present in every moment, alone, with my daughter, family, friends...I'll open space to creativity to flow in the right time.
Is there a Creative, past or present, that you would give just about anything to work with? Who, and why?
Among many others...Flora Bowley, Pixie Campbell, Laura Hollick , Jamie Oliver, Shelby Sanchez...why? Because I love their work and the way they do it...from the Heart and Soul… I feel with them this invisible connection. There are so many inspiring and beautiful people...these are just a few.
Embody Your Muse - Sara Teixeira
How do you care for yourself to ensure you’re available when ideas present themselves?
I really don't think about it...I’m present for me.
How do you balance life and art effectively? Or, do you?
They are the same...my life is my Art.
How do you deal with creative dry spells? Do you make space for them, or push through?
I flow with those moments...just let them be and go along with what I feel. Sometimes it is really difficult when I have custom orders.
How do you deal with change, especially when it comes to creative mediums and passion?
Change is the Word in my life...not easy to accept at first, but then I ride the wave.
How does criticism affect you?
Not so much anymore... Now I really pay attention, and I’m not afraid, because I accept it. And it´s important as something to help you look at you, from another point of view.
Has your work ever been copied? If so, how did you deal with it?
Yes! The first time was a horrible sensation and after that again, and again...until one day I let it go. However, I always say something to the person.
Embody Your Muse - Sara Teixeira
How important is self compassion to your creative process?
It is so important...it is the way I love myself, that I can experience the world inside me, and let that world be revealed.
Do you have any other mediums you use to express yourself creatively?
Do you enjoy collaborating, or prefer to work alone?
Work alone.
Do you work in a studio/space designed specifically for your creativity, or on the spur of the moment/anywhere inspiration strikes?
In my studio...but I sketch and paint with my watercolors everywhere.
Is it important for you to have a creative, inspiring environment?
So important, but not essential.
Do you plan thoroughly for projects, or go with the flow?
I just go with the flow.
Do you utilize social media? If so, how?
Facebook. Is the fastest way to get to someone's attention and get also quick feedback...and sharing...this is Awesome.
Embody Your Muse - Sara Teixeira
What is your typical day like?
After taking my daughter to kindergarten, sometimes me and my soul mate go to the beach for breakfast and get inspired. After, I usually check my email and facebook, and go to studio/lunch/studio until 5PM...then all the usual super cool family things.
Do you have any rituals that help to set your creative time and/or space?
Yes, and they are so important. Dancing and an active meditation...talking to my invisible team, light up some candles, music and then...get to work.
Does spirituality and/or culture play a role in your creativity?
Since I was a young girl...spirituality and Art have been - and are - ONE to me. It’s as simple as this...Art is all about revealing our Soul and we all are spiritual beings.
Do you believe art can change the world? If so, how?
Yes. Art can change me, so if I change and expand my consciousness through Art, then I’m already making a change in the World. Art has the power of transformation, of connecting with each other...that is elevating the world. For me, It’s really a powerful instrument of beauty, balance, transformation, expansion and reconnection.
Do you believe that connecting with your creativity, or helping others to do so, can positively affect the world? If so, how?
Art for me is also self consciousness, and this is most powerful tool to achieve enlightenment...if I raise my vibration and help others to do so...the world changes with us and through us.
Embody Your Muse - Sara Teixeira
Do you surround yourself on a daily basis with creative, inspiring people?
Yes, more and more.
What effect do you want your art to have on the world?
My need of recognition has changed as I grow in my work and with me going deep in my soul landscapes. Now I would love to inspire people to beauty - to their beauty. Inspire people to regain their power through art and creativity.
What music, if any, plays while you work? What are you listening to at this very moment?
Always with music. Miriam Stockley, Anugama, Loreena Mckennitt..and others
What is the best advice you've been given?
Follow your heart.
Do you have any advice for aspiring creatives?
Stay close to you. You are your Master always and follow your heart, he/she knows the way.
Do you have any upcoming projects/collections to share?
I’m starting something very beautiful, profound and meaningful to me...but it’s just in the beginning…
Embody Your Muse - Sara Teixeira
Where can we find your art?
On my website: http://www.sarateixeira.com/