As of yesterday (March 23), my husband, Dole, and I have been married twenty years. Twenty years. I asked our teenagers if they could believe it, and Amrith said "Yes, and you just go so well together." Still...twenty years. I'm taking it in still, if you can't tell.
Read moreCreative Spotlight: Lisa Huelin
Lisa Huelin is a family portrait photographer in Queensland, and the care she takes with families definitely shows. As you'll see, there is a level of comfort that comes across in the families - children, especially - that she photographs.
I came across Lisa Huelin's photography on Lemonade and Lenses some time ago, and being a lover of eyes, fell immediately in love with Lisa's work. Her entire images are gorgeous...but, the eyes...and the colours.
Read moreWith Ease...
"I beg you, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer." - Rainer Maria Rilke
Over the past couple days, the state of Tennessee has been declared a State of Emergency. We have ice everywhere, and while it makes moving around difficult, it is gorgeous. Achingly so, at times. My husband convinced me to go with him on a photo expedition of sorts yesterday (we are photographers, yes), and the photos you see here are some I took in my moments of bravery. Having grown up in the North, one might think - and, rightfully so - that I would find the wintertime here very mild; but, I don't. I acclimated to the area very quickly, and can be seen wearing jackets in the 50's. Yes, I have come to accept that I am "that" woman...
Read moreCreative Spotlight: Mollie Kellogg
I came across Mollie Kellogg's work through a post on Facebook! Her style and use of colour immediately drew me in, and I am incredibly inspired by Incognito Witch: Paint My Life. What a great reminder to live all that one is, instead of hiding the inner magick we all have. And, I am not the only one inspired; Mollie says that she has come to find that the message in her art has helped viewers with self-empowerment, self-love or body issues.
As a child, Mollie tried her hand at painting on her mother's works-in-progress when she wasn't looking (what a patient, supportive mother!). Through life experiences - among them, theatre, children, and life-threatening health issues - her work has become conceptual, sometimes blurring the line between what is imaginary and real. "I believe that this accessible humanness combined with the imagination, strong concepts, consistency, and the ability to find humor in painful or embarrassing situations is the Incognito Witch magick formula."
Read moreCreative Spotlight: Michelle GD
I met Michelle Dzema through Jen Lee's Indie Kindred group, and knew right away that she would be a great fit on Embody Your Muse. As writer and photographer, Michelle's work is calming, and deeply intentional. She "believes there is beauty in tiny moments and healing power in image and word," and that shows up consistently in her work. Michelle contributes to some interesting spaces online, and you can find links to them here.
Artistic since youth, Michelle became serious about her art a few years after the birth of her children. Photography and writing were ways for her to mark time - practices in creativity and meditation - and could both be done in small packets of time. And the opportunity to do just that was, and is, very welcome in her busy days; inviting a slower, more meaningful approach to life. Ultimately, becoming a mother inspired, and continues to inspire, her creatively.
Mindfulness is very important to Michelle, and it's something she aims to practice day-to-day. Gratitude Week 2014, a free program Michelle facilitates, runs Monday, November 10 to Sunday, November 16. I hope you'll check out this special way to practice mindfulness.