I met Michelle Dzema through Jen Lee's Indie Kindred group, and knew right away that she would be a great fit on Embody Your Muse. As writer and photographer, Michelle's work is calming, and deeply intentional. She "believes there is beauty in tiny moments and healing power in image and word," and that shows up consistently in her work. Michelle contributes to some interesting spaces online, and you can find links to them here.
Artistic since youth, Michelle became serious about her art a few years after the birth of her children. Photography and writing were ways for her to mark time - practices in creativity and meditation - and could both be done in small packets of time. And the opportunity to do just that was, and is, very welcome in her busy days; inviting a slower, more meaningful approach to life. Ultimately, becoming a mother inspired, and continues to inspire, her creatively.
Mindfulness is very important to Michelle, and it's something she aims to practice day-to-day. Gratitude Week 2014, a free program Michelle facilitates, runs Monday, November 10 to Sunday, November 16. I hope you'll check out this special way to practice mindfulness.
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