So my husband and I watched The Great British Baking Show together last year, and I was so inspired by each episode. I appreciated the feel of the show - not much stress, and the photography... (still do, by the way). We noticed the contestants tend to be quite supportive of each other, and there is no yelling. Thanks be.
Well, this year, we are watching the show as a family, and loving it. And, after watching the first episode of the current season, I decided to make the weekly challenge recipes. I'm so glad I did, because I learned things about Angel Food Cake (Epicurious discusses this reasoning for not greasing the pan in Angel Food Cake and Its Perfect Pan: As angel food cakes bake, the air that was beaten into the egg whites, along with the moisture in the batter, expands and the cake climbs the sides of the pan) over the weekend that I didn't know before. And, I'm learning even more about my new oven - like, I need an oven thermometer. It will happen soon.
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