I came across Stephanie Noblet's work online some time ago, knew immediately I had to connect with her, and have been following her ever since. The delicate faces...the women...her work draws me in.
Some artists just have a gift, and Stephanie is clearly definitely one of those people. As you will see, there is so much soul and passion in her work. I am excited for readers to meet Stephanie here!
What does Creativity mean to you?
Creativity means everything to me.
All my artwork is about creativity, each piece is unique and comes from deep down in my soul.
Creativity because, painting is not on demand, it has to come from me - my thoughts, my mood, my ideas, things I like, colors, music, people I love, and places where I live.
Creativity is like writing a story: you have something to say, something you feel strongly and has to be expressed.
How do you expand yourself creatively?
It’s all around me - people I know, some people I don’t even know, attitude, gesture/the way they talk, in the street, in the restaurant. It can be a particular atmosphere, cozy places, with great music.
Pictures, movies, moments I live, emotions I have.
Embody Your Muse Creative Spotlight: Stephanie Noblet
Were you creative as a child? If so, how have you evolved through the years? Did anyone encourage you, especially?
I think, yes, I was, but I did not know it. As a child I was shy, emotional, and insecure.
I discovered I could paint in 2008 because of my son’s art project, when I was helping him at his school in Miami. Later, they were so surprised to see my progress, that they never ceased to encourage me. I was able to get a 2nd point of view that I could not see myself.
What inspires you most?
Femininity beauty, elegance, past, glamour, thoughts, emotional moments, mood.
What turns you on creatively?
The way I am, I think...the needs I have to express what I feel at some points of my life.
What I see, what I discover...people I meet.
The need I have to show what I have inside me, making progress as well inspires me to go further in my art.
Embody Your Muse Creative Spotlight: Stephanie Noblet (Bistro)
It’s such a reflection of who I am, what I like, what I feel.
And having the pleasure to express it this way, brings me all the benefits.
Do you have any gratefulness practices?
I am very grateful with myself if I can say something like that. I am proud enough with all my progress. As you know I am a self-taught artist, I started to paint 7 years ago by random.
And since, I never stopped painting. I found my way as an artist to express myself, and I am very happy the way it turns out.
Do you daydream often? If so, does it inform your work?
Unfortunately not enough, since I've lived in London, my life turned out differently, with new challenges to reach.
I will say, my inspiration is not affected; I just slowed down a bit...to find my balance with the challenge of life and my creativity.
Embody Your Muse Creative Spotlight: Stephanie Noblet (Soulmate)
How does a relationship and/or children affect your creativity?
As my artwork is a result of my emotions, yes it does affect my creativity.
People I care for - and life - both have a big effect on me as well.
Is there a Creative, past or present, that you would give just about anything to work with? Who, and why?
Definitely, yes. The past has a strong effect in my artwork, I cannot explain it.
The past intrigues me as if I was a part of it.
How do you care for yourself to ensure you’re available when ideas present themselves?
When ideas come, I work on them as soon as possible. I make space for my art, so I can paint during the night, morning .
Embody Your Muse Creative Spotlight: Stephanie Noblet (ma lulu)
How do you balance life and art effectively? Or, do you?
Sometimes I don't paint for awhile, because my mood is not in the context.
My mind is busy and focused with something else...but never for a long time.
How do you deal with change, especially when it comes to creative mediums and passion?
It’s a great experience...each time when I want to experiment something new it’s surprising…
For example, just recently, I switched from paper board to wood panels. Trying something new, it’s like, going further in my process and that’s the way I am improving myself as well.
How does criticism affect you?
Criticism, I think it’s all about the way people talk about your Art. There is some positive criticism that can help you to see your mistakes and improve your work, if the artist is aware of this.
As for “unhelpful criticism," like saying something bad just because the person does not like the artwork, doesn’t bring anything positive for the artist.
Embody Your Muse Creative Spotlight: Stephanie Noblet (Jazz)
But sincerely, as Art is all about perception, most of the time, it’s very hard to give a positive and constructive comment on the work done. We cannot be liked by everyone, we cannot be understood by everyone; especially when the artwork speaks about personal thoughts.
Has your work ever been copied? If so, how did you deal with it?
I have never seen something similar to my artwork, but if I can inspire artists as well, I would be flattered.
Do you have any other mediums you use to express yourself creatively?
I mainly use my watercolour palette; a few years ago I chose to add contrast with watercolour pencils.
For making details I use pen markers, and sometimes I mix my mediums, such as the last wood panel I did - a mixed media oil and watercolour.
Do you enjoy collaborating, or prefer to work alone?
No I have always worked alone.
Embody Your Muse Creative Spotlight: Stephanie Noblet (The Last Flower)
Do you work in a studio/space designed specifically for your creativity, or on the spur of the moment/anywhere inspiration strikes?
I hope one day I will be able to afford a work space but, so far, I really enjoy to work at home.
Do you utilize social media? If so, how?
Yes I do. I am using mainly Facebook and Twitter...AAA to sell my originals paintings and recently Artfinder.
I am planning to sell prints directly from my website.
What is your typical day like?
I don’t have any typical days even while I am painting. When I decide to paint, I can spend a few hours on my painting, leave it for a while doing something else - I can be interrupted by a call or going out, because I need to breathe - then go back to it and see the progress. But most of the time while I am painting, I make space for it. I like to get the time; I need to be focused. But when time comes to stop?! My family doesn’t forget to remind me that it’s time to do something else.
Embody Your Muse Creative Spotlight: Stephanie Noblet
Do you have any rituals that help to set your creative time and/or space?
The oldest ritual I have and I always had before I start a painting; I need to touch it.
That’s the beginning of my process, it makes me be part of it.
Does spirituality and/or culture play a role in your creativity?
Spirituality, no, but culture, yes it does…I definitely show something from my roots.
Do you believe art can change the world? If so, how?
I think art cannot change the world, but it definitely brings more peace and tolerance in some point of views.
Do you surround yourself on a daily basis with creative, inspiring people?
Yes. People that surround me are all inspiring and help me to go further.
Being creative goes with being inspiring; people who inspire others are bringing something new, something fresh, something you never got before. I think yes, I can say i am a lucky woman to have my inspiring loved ones every single day, close to me.
Embody Your Muse Creative Spotlight: Stephanie Noblet (Emergence)
What effect do you want your art to have on the world?
I would be happy if people would recognize my art as something unique, something I do with passion.
Knowing that I can inspire some people would be great. I would be glad for people to have a real interest in buying my paintings. But if not, it is not a big deal for me, since 3 years I took a big step back with the way I promote my artwork. I don’t want to expect anything in return anymore.
The most important thing to me is to keep doing what I am doing, seeing my progress, and following my passion as an artist.
What music, if any, plays while you work? What are you listening to at this very moment?
Music is very important to me. Often while i am painting i am using my “Beats” to be closer to my painting. Sometimes when I feel stuck in the process, simply listening to music and taking a step back on what I am doing, is very helpful.
It brings me exactly what I want. One of the musicians that inspires me is Yann Tiersen.
His music helps me to be more creative and closer to my work.
What is the best advice you’ve been given?
Keep Believing in yourself.
Embody Your Muse Creative Spotlight: Stephanie Noblet (Angel)
Do you have any advice for aspiring creatives?
Keep following your passion no matter what’s going on in your life.
Do you have any favourite books?
I used to read a lot before, and my favourite authors are Douglas Kennedy who wrote The Pursuit of Happiness, and Stephen King - I've read all his books and it’s hard to pick a favourite one, so I will say the first one I read from him, The Green Lane.
Do you have a favourite quote?
My favourite quote, if I have one, would be "Il n'y a pas de génie sans un grain de folie" (Aristotle) That means, "there is no genius without a touch of madness."
Where can we find your art?
You can find my Art at Mademoisellezazieart.com
On Facebook, I have a personal art page “Stephanie Noblet"
Arts Artists Artwork is an artist community created by Lee Down.
Embody Your Muse Creative Spotlight: Stephanie Noblet (Naval)