I was introduced to Lulu Louise's products through one of Kristin Sweeting Morelli's online workshops a couple years ago, and finally purchased her Luscious Body Butter last year. It. Is. Amazing. The butter is so creamy, and the scent...it's so real. And it should be, since it's made with all-natural ingredients. Her products would be great for Valentine's Day. Hint, hint. But, this isn't a post simply about Lulu's amazing products.
It's also a post about a woman I find highly inspiring. As you will see, Lulu is passionate about what she does, and she is definitely passionate about living a passion-filled life. I am certain you will love her interview.
What does Creativity mean to you?
The ability to tune in and catch the whims on the wind...then bring what's on the inside to the outside!
How do you expand yourself creatively?
Meditation, baths, and long walks.
Were you creative as a child? If so, how have you evolved through the years? Did anyone encourage you, especially?
I was...I began writing children's books at about 9 years old. Writing seemed to be what came easy to me...I always wished I was great at painting or something visual...but it never really came to be. Now I love writing songs, poetry, and utilize my love of it to write copy for my company.
What inspires you most?
What turns you on creatively?
Witnessing others in their creative flow.
Embody Your Muse - Lulu Louise - House of Citrine
Do you have any gratefulness practices?
Pretty much every breath is my goal. I have gratitude at the top of my vision board, in my personal mantra, and in my CDFs (Core Desired Feelings...via Danielle Laporte, a huge influence for me).
Do you daydream often? If so, does it inform your work?
Of course! I guess that is how I came up with all my recipes!
How does a relationship and/or children affect your creativity?
My husband is a musician and it's been great to co-write songs together.
Is there a Creative, past or present, that you would give just about anything to work with? Who, and why?
I would love to meet Danielle LaPorte. So many of her email blasts feel like they are speaking directly to my soul.
How do you care for yourself to ensure you’re available when ideas present themselves?
I try to take the time to exercise and meditate each day as that is my way of saying to the Universe...Hey, here I am, let's connect!
How do you balance life and art effectively? Or, do you?
Working on that...it's hard to find the energy at the end of a day of being CEO to switch to music or writing mode...at least I have the weekends!
Embody Your Muse - Lulu Louise
How do you deal with creative dry spells? Do you make space for them, or push through?
I make space and try to find inspiration in the creative works of others.
How does criticism affect you?
At first I push away from it, but then take it to heart to sort through it for any nuggets of wisdom there.
Do you enjoy collaborating, or prefer to work alone?
I love both...it depends on my mood.
Do you work in a studio/space designed specifically for your creativity, or on the spur of the moment/anywhere inspiration strikes?
The spur of the moment...I wrote some of my favorite recent poetry in the bank the other day waiting on my business banker.
Is it important for you to have a creative, inspiring environment?
Yes, my home is my sanctuary. The way it looks, feels, and smells is of constant importance to me. Lighting is a huge factor!
Do you plan thoroughly for projects, or go with the flow?
A bit of planning and flowing combined.
Embody Your Muse - Lulu Louise
Do you have a preferred way of cataloguing ideas?
I make a hell of a lot of lists.
Do you utilize social media? If so, how?
I do, it's a great way to get my product out there and I get a little of my writing fix this way.
What is your typical day like?
Wake up to tea and chocolate with my husband, exercise & meditate, hit the office. What happens after work is left to decide at that time.
Do you have any rituals that help to set your creative time and/or space?
Bath time really helps clear the mind for ideas to flow in.
Does spirituality and/or culture play a role in your creativity?
Of course, everything I encounter inside and out does.
Embody Your Muse - Lulu Louise - House of Citrine
Do you believe art can change the world? If so, how?
I don't think I'd want to live in a world without art. It reminds us there is more to life than the bump and grind. It gives a voice to that which cannot always be seen.
Are you active in your local art community? If so, how do you help and support each other?
I just moved to Asheville, so I don't know the community yet. I definitely have a lot of great friends who are female entrepreneurs, getting their own creations out into the world. We spread the word about each other's work every chance we get!
Do you surround yourself on a daily basis with creative, inspiring people?
Well, at this point I'm in a new town working from home...so there is my husband and my cat. Both are very creative and are my muses.
What effect do you want your art to have on the world?
My edible art bridges an important gap...the one that often falls between truly gourmet and truly healthy. As a foodie, I know the need for this. My word Art...I hope it serves to let people know they are not alone, and that others have been through where they may be at that moment...and lived to sing about it.
What music, if any, plays while you work? What are you listening to at this very moment?
I love music. If I had to choose between food and music it would be a hard choice...LOL. My musical taste range is pretty broad...I was just listening to Ayub Ogada, and amazing African musician. Before that it was Beck.
Embody Your Muse - Lulu Louise
What is the best advice you’ve been given?
Don't sweat the petty, just pet the sweaty.
Do you have any advice for aspiring creatives?
Do it for you, just to see what is inside there...to let your wild out. If you later feel inspired to share it with others...that is a whole other level of creativity...but don't worry about that yet...do it for you!
Do you have any favourite books?
I love Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte. I also just finished an awesome book by my sister in law, Freda Love Smith. It is called "Red Velvet Undergound" and is about her journey as a musician, mom, and foodie...it includes recipes and wonderful stories about balancing all the aspects of yourself as a creative.
Do you have a favourite quote?
"Let the beauty you love be what you do." RUMI
Where can we find your art?
My chocolate line is available at some great health food stores around the country, and of course, at Lulu's Chocolate Love and Facebook, and Twitter.
Embody Your Muse - Lulu Louise