"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was greater than the risk it took to bloom." - Anais Nin
January is teaching me a few things. She's teaching me that self-care is not an option. She's teaching me that an abundance of sleep (self-care, again, I know) is the way to go. She's teaching me to slow down and take things in. She's teaching me to really connect internally and celebrate it. She's teaching me that I can support others well while taking care of my own space. She's reaffirming that Adventure is a necessity for me...as is Gratitude. These are not new ideas to me. I've just gone deeper. Much deeper.
While developing more awareness, I decided to try out Susannah Conway's "Find Your Word 2015" this year, and I am so glad I did. My word is Luminous. Almost every decision (I am a play in progress) I make has become consciously connected to the feeling of Luminous. If a decision doesn't feel that way, or if I don't feel that way, I shift. And, shifts are happening in other areas as well. Of course.
With Luminous in mind, one shift I am currently making is with this blog. I have become more aware around food, movement, connection, love, and compassion throughout my ever hedonistic journey, and I want my blog to reflect that. This shift might take a little bit - and - it starts with me; so it is definitely happening!
Embody Your Muse - Sope Cups (I'm excited to experiment and learn more!)
I will still have interviews, though they might start to take different forms. They also may be more on a monthly basis. I thoroughly enjoyed having weekly features, and connecting in a special way with Creatives. I still want that connection in a way that is more fluid, so I will have a flexible schedule for myself. I also may write more. This is something I have considered for a while, and if suggestions had any effect on me, I would have started quite some time ago. I have almost daily conversations about things I mentioned before - food, movement, connection, love, and compassion - and I've started wondering more what my Why is for not continuing these conversations in my blog. It may or may not happen. Regardless, I am leaning into the idea. And, photos. You will definitely see photos, since they are a significant form of connection to me...especially story-wise.
I think my most significant shift in January, connected with too many things to delve into here, had to do with making sope cups for my sons' dinner one evening. I watched a couple videos in Spanish, which I do not speak presently, so I was not able to understand what was being said. I did understand, though, what was being demonstrated; and I made the cups myself, using the ideas presented. Throughout the making process, I felt a strong connection to women both past and present who used/use the same techniques I was using at that very moment. That feeling took me back to my strong desire to cook with and learn from women earlier this year during a trip to India (nourishment and connection with people through food has long been an interest and desire of mine). The experience of cooking with Indian women didn't happen due to time constraints, but I will go back sometime, and I will cook with and learn from them! All that to say, cooking with and learning from other women will definitely be part of my life and this blog in the fairly near future in some way. Connected to Luminous...it's meant to be.
What an exciting 2015 lies ahead. What an exciting moment, since it's all we really have. Thank you for reading this blog. Thank you for your interest. It means a lot. Heck, it even feels a bit Luminous.
Embody Your Muse - Lucent Vignette Photography - Photo I shot of my sister in her wedding dress while in India.