Deep Listening

Nichole McVeigh

Nichole McVeigh


If you are looking for…

A seasoned Someone to simply listen, hold safe space, mirror, ask questions, and inspire you to think a little differently (my forte), I am here for you! I have been in this role for over 15 years, and I would love to help you.

Many times in my own life, I have needed someone to simply listen and guide. I didn’t necessarily need a therapist; just someone who wasn’t in my day-to-day life to really listen to me. I can do this for you. Womxn, especially, tend to come to me to hold space and heal connected especially to:

  • Transition

  • Healing from childhood, emotional, and religious abuse/trauma

  • Communicating in relationships

  • Boundaries

  • Gathering thoughts/Making plans/Next steps

If I can help you in any of these ways, I am so happy to hold the space for you through either audio call, video chat, or in person. While all Deep Listening offerings help you connect with your own inherent wisdom, Deep Listening Sessions can provide relief and guidance, while Deep Listening Journeys can be deeply nourishing and healing.

Deep Listening Offerings

Deep Listening Journey - please contact me to set up a curiosity session where we can get to know each other and see if we are a great fit! I bring together years of doing the work (personal, and working with other healers and therapists), study in creativity coaching with Eric Maisel, and a holistic coaching certification…along with loads of love, care, compassion, and intention to this offering.

Deep Listening Sessions - individual sessions as needed

I also offer Pay It Forward Sessions, as available.

Sometimes when we have someone who is willing to listen, we are given the opportunity for our deepest truths to be reflected back to us. Nichole held the space as I wandered here and there in my thoughts, the tangle of what makes up this moment of my life, and helped me to see that though it may be hard to face, I have more figured out than I am willing to admit. Her reiki following our conversation added a layer of truth and reaffirmation, and I am deeply grateful for the time we spent in conversation.
— X.O.
Nichole offers deep listening under the words, for the essence. Her questions moved me deeper to finding my own answers. Her validation helped me remember what my original intention was. Game changing time together!
— V.S, North Carolina
In the midst of the hustle in life. I love to focus on the dreams still in this busy mama’s heart. She has been my soundboard for over 7 years. She helps me organize the messy ideas I have tucked away. She’s not only is one of my best friends. She’s full of questions, she listens & encourages all in one.
— D.G, Pennsylvania